How AI is Revolutionising the Food Wholesale Industry

March 19, 2024
Wholesale Business

In a world increasingly shaped by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral force, leaving no industry untouched. From automating ordering processes to optimising pricing strategies, AI is steering the food and beverage (F&B) industry to new heights. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or someone who prefers to keep technology at arm's length, the impact of AI in the food supply chain is undeniable.

AI Up and Down the Supply Chain

1) Ensuring Trust and Safety

Consumer trust is the cornerstone of success in the F&B industry. AI systems play a critical role in meeting consumer expectations and regulatory standards by ensuring food safety and maintaining quality control. AI-enabled technologies, such as computer vision, perform real-time inspections to accurately identify defects and foreign objects. In addition, AI monitors key control elements such as temperature and humidity, safeguarding storage conditions and reducing the risk of food spoilage.

The use of AI extends to documentation, ensuring continuous updates to meet evolving standards. Internet of Things (IoT) devices working in tandem with AI provide end-to-end traceability, giving consumers insight into the origin, processing and transportation of their food. Blockchain technology adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring data integrity and minimising the risk of fraudulent products entering the market.

2) Reducing Food Waste

According to the USDA's Economic Research Service, nearly 50% of food is wasted during transport, storage and by consumers. AI-powered food inspection systems help combat this waste by independently monitoring, analysing and assessing food quality. Machine learning and deep learning technologies interpret hidden patterns, allowing manufacturers to prioritise the distribution of stock and reducing the likelihood of food spoilage.

AI's predictive capabilities also contribute to sustainability efforts by accurately predicting demand, leading to improved inventory management and production planning. This in turn reduces overproduction and excess inventory, addressing the critical issue of food waste in the supply chain.

3) Meeting Consumer Demands

Consumer preferences are evolving rapidly, demanding new and innovative products. AI helps manufacturers and distributors understand and meet these changing preferences. By using AI, businesses can personalise product selection and make tailored recommendations to individual customers, be they restaurants, cafes or hotels.

For example: AI algorithms can analyse customer data to suggest personalised offers, such as recommending local products like British porcini mushrooms to a restaurant looking for mushrooms. The suggestion could include cost savings and a reduction in carbon emissions, in line with their sustainability goals.

4) Optimising Pricing Strategies

In a fast-moving market, changes in food and beverage wholesale and distribution are frequent. AI steps in to suggest optimal pricing based on factors such as supply, demand and historical data. In addition, AI can automatically adjust prices before a product's sell-by date and promote these discounted products to customers. This not only ensures profitability, but also aligns with sustainability goals by minimising food waste.

For example: AI can dynamically adjust prices based on various factors, ensuring competitive pricing strategies. In addition, AI-driven promotions on products nearing their sell-by date can attract customers and minimise food waste.

5) Providing Instant Answers and Customer Service

AI chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionising customer service, providing instant answers and tailored recommendations. These digital concierges, powered by clever machine learning algorithms, go beyond scripted interactions to understand each customer's unique needs and guide them towards well-informed decisions.

Consider, for example, a scenario where a customer contacts your wholesale business to enquire about sustainable fresh produce options. The AI-powered chatbot not only instantly provides information on eco-friendly products, but also suggests personalised recommendations based on the customer's previous purchases and preferences. In this way, AI takes customer service to a whole new level.

6) Reducing Admin and Order Errors

AI streamlines order automation, allowing customers to place orders instantly by email, phone or online. These systems generate digital orders that are sent to your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for processing, packing and shipping. Not only does this eliminate human error, but these systems continuously learn and adapt to your business and customer needs as they receive more data.

For example: AI-powered order automation systems, such as Orderlion's Inbox, can process customer orders quickly, saving you up to 2 hours a day in admin time, significantly reduce manual errors and provide a more efficient order fulfilment process.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the integration of AI into the food supply chain is not just a technological advancement; it's a transformative force that is addressing critical challenges and driving the F&B industry towards greater efficiency, sustainability and customer satisfaction. As we move from farm to store, the role of AI is proving to be instrumental in reshaping the way we produce, distribute and consume food, promising a future where innovation and technology work in tandem for the benefit of all.

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