How 2 F&B Wholesale Consultants Save 100s of Hours for Their Customers

March 12, 2024
Wholesale Business

Orderlion’s Co-Founders Stefan Strohmer (CEO) and Patrick Schubert (CTO) both have their roots in consulting and quickly specialised in the Food and Beverage Industry. But why was this sector interesting to them both? We asked them to share some insights and reasons for their passion for this industry.

How Stefan & Patrick F&B Wholesale Consultants Save Hundreds of Hours for Clients

Q: What insights from your consultancy time still hold to this day?

A: One of the key insights that still holds true today is the need for businesses to continually innovate and optimise their processes to stay ahead of the competition. Small and medium-sized suppliers can benefit greatly from streamlining their operations, and this is why we ultimately founded Orderlion, to help these suppliers on scale globally. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights, businesses can gain a competitive edge and improve their bottom line. Additionally, it is important to always keep the customer at the forefront of any business decisions and ensure that their needs are being met in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Q: Why was the F&B industry interesting for you?

A: The F&B industry presented a unique opportunity to revolutionise the way that our food supply chain works. Small and medium-sized suppliers face unique challenges in this industry, such as managing inventory, dealing with perishable goods, and navigating complex supply chains. By leveraging the latest advancements in technology, we were able to help our clients optimise their operations and reduce costs and food waste. Additionally, the industry's focus on sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of food production presented a compelling challenge that we were eager to take on.

Q: In what way is the F&B industry different from others?

A: The F&B industry is different from others in several ways. First, it is highly competitive, with a wide variety of suppliers competing for market share. Second, it is highly regulated, with strict standards for food safety and quality that suppliers must adhere to. Finally, the F&B industry is highly reliant on relationships and partnerships, with suppliers needing to work closely with distributors, retailers, and other stakeholders to succeed. Orderlion is designed to help our clients navigate these complexities by providing a comprehensive suite of tools and features that automate their core business processes and help them stay ahead of the curve.

Q: In your opinion, what are the main challenges the F&B industry faces?

A: The F&B industry faces a number of challenges, from fluctuating commodity prices to changing consumer preferences. One of the biggest challenges is the need to stay competitive in an increasingly crowded market. This requires businesses to constantly innovate and optimise their operations, which can be difficult without the right tools and technology. Especially small and medium-sized suppliers often struggle to keep up with larger competitors who have more resources and technology at their disposal. However, by leveraging our Orderlion app, these smaller suppliers can gain a competitive edge and level the playing field.

Q: During your consulting - what challenges did you help your customers overcome? 

A: During our consulting work with suppliers in the food supply chain for about ten years prior to founding Orderlion, we often encountered challenges related to inefficient business processes, manual data entry, and the need to scale up while minimising costs. By developing customised solutions tailored to each customer's unique needs, we were able to help them overcome these challenges and achieve greater efficiency and profitability. Now, with Orderlion, we can finally offer these same benefits to a global range of suppliers at a lower cost and with greater scalability.

Contact our team now to talk about your challenges and how Orderlion can help you overcome them.

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Find out how WDS Group increased customer orders by +30% and average basket size by +25% in just a few short weeks. - Watch Video

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Find out how WDS Group increased customer orders by +30% and average basket size by +25% in just a few short weeks.